Benefits of displaying family photos for kids

You’ve had your photos done, and they look great on the wall, but did you know there’s more to it than a lovely picture for kids?

Baby photos on the wall are a constant reminder of how much your baby has grown – they’ll even change from the time you had the photos taken to getting them printed. But for children looking at them when they’re older, family photos on display have even more meaning.

Studies in Phototherapy suggest that psychologists use photographic images for many reasons for therapy, according to Phototherapy in Mental Health, David A Krauss PhD and Jerry L Fryrear PhD. ‘To evoke certain emotional states, elicit verbal behaviour, facilitate socialisation, a form of creative expression, to prolong certain experiences’, amongst other analytical reasons. So having photos around the house when your kids are a bit older brings back good memories, and creates conversation in the family. If your kids were older when they had photos taken, looking back at them could tick the box of prolonging certain behaviours – remember that time when we had fun on the beach taking photos?

Other psychologists suggest that having photos around the home helps to boost confidence and self-esteem – they’re worthy of going to the effort of having photos taken, and the photos being proudly displayed in your home.

There’s a feeling of being together as a family when photos are dotted around and displayed, and seeing photos of themselves helps kids have a sense of who they are and how they fit it. If your kids are old enough, asking them to help choose the photos has even more meaning by getting them involved.

Aside from being confidence-boosting, kids love looking back at their baby photos, which is a chance for parents to reminisce and tell stories about the things they did as a baby or toddler, and recall gorgeous memories of cute and funny, and some not so cute things they did.

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Couple’s maternity photoshoot by Sydney Harbour Bridge