5 tips for a great newborn photo session

Photographing your newborn baby is a huge privilege. It is such an incredibly special time - capturing this significant moment in your life, and capturing your baby now, today, before baby changes and grows tomorrow.

To help make your session run smoothly, delete any concerns or burning questions you might have, here are a few easy tips to help you along the way.

Tip 1. Pick the best light and time of the day

If we’re shooting at your place, keep an eye on the natural daylight for a couple of days before – do you have lovely morning light? Or do you catch the afternoon sunlight? We can book according to the light and best time of day for your baby. And sometimes there isn’t a best time of day for your baby, which is totally fine! We can work around anything, no need to stress. 

A father holding his newborn baby

Tip 2. Feed your baby beforehand (during works for us too)

Everyone feels more content when they aren’t hungry, or hangry. If you’re able to feed your baby before we arrive, you’ll feel more relaxed, and so will baby. However, if you need to feed while we’re there, all good, we allow time to make sure your baby is comfortable, including diaper changes of course. If you’d like photos of you feeding, we can do that too.

Tip 3. Prepare siblings for our arrival

Tell your toddler that a friend (or older kids, a friend of a friend – nothing gets past them lol) is coming over to take photos of them with their new baby. We try and get siblings, and parents, into shots at the beginning of the session too, before the kids get wriggly or lose interest. 

Tip 4. Consider your clothes, starting with you

A neutral or white onesie for your baby is perfect, and easy. Your baby might end up in a diaper, but if there’s a special outfit you want to use, go for it. A couple of neutral blankets to cuddle with or lie on is very useful. 

Baby is easy, think about what you and your partner feel comfortable wearing. Dressing post-baby and breast feeding is a challenge and we get it, though it can be something you have on for only an hour if need be. And don’t forget, this is a moment in time, you might at your photos in time to come and remember, wow, I lived in that outfit and it takes you right back to that special newborn time. Neutral colours always look great, just avoid any logos, super bright colours, black if possible (it can look heavy and shapeless), and caps or hats.  

Tip 5. Don’t worry about award-winning tidiness 

We understand that tidying up and newborn are two conflicting words. We can move things around if need be, but be mindful of tissues, medicines, creams etc or anything branded – not stuff you’d like to look back on in your photos. 


Manly | Maternity and Newborn Photos


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